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Scientific and Technical Bulletin

Technical systems in the agro-industrial complex


Authors Guide

Requirements for manuscripts of scientific articles submitted for publication in the journal "Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals"

Articles or scientific reviews should be written on relevant topics and reflect the achievements of modern science in the areas of:
- geoponics, crop production;
- Selection and seed production of plants;
- Diagnosis of diseases and therapy of animals, pathology, oncology and morphology of animals;
- veterinary hygiene, ecology, pet hygiene and veterinary-sanitary inspection;
- Veterinary obstetrics and biotechnics of animal reproduction;
- Breeding selection and animal genetics;
- fodder production, feeding farm animals and feed technology;
- small animal science, livestock production technology;
- Economics and managed of the national economy.
The author submits the article in electronic form by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Other options for submitting articles are not provided.
The written permission of the organization, the funds of which the work was carried out if copyright belongs to it, is required for the publication of materials submitted to the editorial office. The publication of materials submitted to the editors require written permission from the organization, the means of which the work was carried out, if the copyrights belong to her.

The structure and design of the article:
• UDC;
• Heading / branch, based on the above;
• Article title (in Russian);
• Full name of authors, academic degree, position, place of work, address and telephone number for communication (in Russian), ORCID and AuthorID in the RSCI;
• keywords (in Russian);
• extended abstract - 200–250 words (in Russian) indicating specific research results;
• title of the article (in English);
• Name of authors, academic degree, title, position, place of work, address and telephone number for communication (in English), ORCID;
• keywords (in English);
• extended abstract - 200–250 words (in English) with an indication of the specific results of the study;
• the text itself (requirements are presented below);
• list of references, used sources (in Russian) - should include at least 10 sources - publications published no more than 5 years ago;
• list of references, used sources (in English).

2. Title requirements
The title of the article is situated on the first line, justified in width (in bold 14 font), only the first letter in the title of the article is uppercase, the rest are lowercase. In the upper right corner above the title of the article, are indicated the surname (name and patronymic of the author - initials), place of work (study), position, academic degree and title (if any).

3. Abstract Requirements
The abstract should reflect the content of the article in one paragraph. The main requirement for abstract is informative. The abstract should demonstrate the features and advantages of the article, its scientific novelty and uniqueness.
An abstract may include such elements as the topic and hypothesis of the study, its goals and objectives, results of work or scientific contribution, directions for future research.
The English version of the abstract should not be a mechanical translation of the Russian version. It is necessary to build an abstract taking into account the vocabulary and grammar of the English language.
Remember that the abstract should be 200-250 words. The text of the abstract should not repeat the title and text of the article. The author's abstract is intended to serve as a source of information independent of the article! Here are examples of structured annotations:

Example 1

Studying the causes of the crisis in the EU member states and the contradictions in budget and monetary policies in overcoming the consequences of the modern crisis. Methods. The dynamics of the economic development of the Eurozone is analyzed based on a comparison of macroeconomic indicators of Greece, Cyprus and other EU countries, namely, the volume of nominal gross domestic product, gross public debt, dynamics of investment in the economy, unemployment, consumer price index, etc .; “risk zones” are defined for those countries whose economies are most affected by the crisis. Results. Based on the dynamics of basic macroeconomic indicators, on the basis of scientifically sound approaches and expert estimates, as well as our own conclusions, has been investigated the relationship between the objectives of the EU fiscal and monetary policies in the current crisis conditions of the development of the Eurozone economy. Comparing the consequences of the financialization of the modern economy with the consequences of overproduction in the real sector of developed economies during the Great Depression (30s of the twentieth century), it is concluded that there are contradictions in the implementation of the EU fiscal and monetary policies in overcoming the consequences of the modern crisis. Scientific novelty lies in the study of the relationship between fiscal and monetary policies, when the use of various tools and the implementation of the mechanisms of both policies are subject to a single goal - to overcome the consequences of the current crisis and ensure sustainable economic growth in the EU member states in the future.

Example 2

The study is aimed at analyzing the development of workflow as part of financial reporting in two state-funded hospitals in New South Wales from 1857 after 1975. Methodology and Methods: A retrospective analysis is based on technological and conceptual changes in financial statements for the specified period. The theory of “stakeholders” is used as the main approach; the analysis is based on both primary and secondary data. Results and scope: This study presents the historical context of recent developments in public sector reporting and accountability in Australia. In particular, the issue of accrual accounting is considered in detail, which gives an idea of the nature of the transformation of accounting in public sector organizations, which can be extrapolated to the organization of other forms of jurisdiction and ownership. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the patterns of changes (and stabilization) of financial statements in the hospital, associated with the social and political context, have been identified.

Example 3

Goal. Identification and assessment of the intensity of the long-term consequences of the coal-mining regions restructuring carried out in the conditions of market transformation. The study is based on the methods of the theory of functional specialization of settlements and the theory of restructuring. For calculations, there were used methods of economic and statistical analysis. Results and practical relevance. There are identified trends of socio-economic development of the municipal districts of the Perm region of coal mining in the restructuring environment. The factors that reinforce the negative impact of restructuring programs on territorial development are justified. There were identified territories that are most affected by the restructuring and the key shortcomings of the implemented programs of territorial development. Scientific novelty. There are disclosed the long-term negative consequences ubstantiated mechanisms of territorial development. Is substantiated the specificity of the impact of restructuring programs of city-forming enterprises on various elements of complex spatial settlement systems.

4. Keyword Requirements
Keywords are words or phrases of 2-3 words that are used as a metadata element to search for articles in electronic databases and aggregators, therefore they should reflect the discipline (the field of science within which the article was written), topic, purpose and object of study.

5. Requirements for the structure of the article
Based on the requirements of international standards, the editors of the journal "Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals" recommends using the IMRAD structure when writing an article in order to logically present the results of the study.

I (introduction) – statement of the problem in general form and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks. In this section, we recommend an analysis of recent studies and publications, which laid the foundations for solving this problem, on which the author relies. If the author analyzes a large body of literature, it is recommended to make such analysis in a separate section of the Literature / Degree of problem development. Based on the analysis, the author identifies previously unresolved parts of the general problem to which this article is devoted, and the goals of the article are formulated (task setting).

M (methods / research methodology) - in this section, the author is advised to set out in detail the methodological approach, the main theories that the author relied on during the study, provide a research methodology for possible reproduction by other scientists in order to verify data or continue researching the problem as part of monitoring.

R (Results) - a statement of the main research material with a complete justification of the obtained scientific results. The location in the text, the number and content of tables and figures should be determined by the logic of the article. The results presented in graphical or tabular form should contain an explanation (not a description!) and be used as evidence base for the theoretical concept of the article;

D (Discussion and Conclusion) - conclusions from this study and prospects for further development in this direction.

6. Requirements for the article corpus
The corpus of the article should be not more than 1 pp (40 thousand characters with spaces, font Times New Roman 14 size, 1.5 spacing, margin on all sides 20 mm, the text should be formatted in width, without hyphenation, with indentation of 1.25 cm).

7. Requirements for tables, figures and graphs
Illustrative materials (drawings, drafts, graphs, charts, diagrams) are performed using graphic electronic editors. All figures must be numbered consecutively. The size of illustrated materials should not exceed A4. Drawings should be “readable”, unacceptable using digital and text material made in small print (less than 12 pages). Digital data are drawn up in a table. Tables should not be bulky (no more than A4 format). Each table should have a serial number and a name. Table numbering is end-to-end. Abbreviations of words in the tables are not allowed except for units. An electronic version of each table and figure is provided in a separate file. Table design - font Times New Roman 12 point size at a single interval.
You should remember that the color scheme of drawings and tables should be appropriate and designed for the color capabilities of the magazine.
It is also imperative to translate the names for illustrations, illustration data, and tabular data along with headings, indicators and notes directly, i.e., tables and illustrations are first given in Russian, then in English.

8. Requirements for the design of footnotes and bibliography
Footnotes are made out in square brackets according to the text of the article, indicating the source number on the bibliographic list and the page or article of the normative act to which the author refers (for example: [9, p. 36], [18, p. 4]).
A bibliographic list is a mandatory element of the article; it is included in the total number of pages. A bibliographic list is formed at the end of the article as sources are mentioned in the text (not alphabetically or hierarchy of sources). Duplication of titles, as well as the indication under one number of several names of sources or literature used, are not allowed. The design of the bibliographic list must comply with the requirements of the ISBD (International Standard Bibliographic Description) bibliographic description established in February 2013. For instance:

Agafonova N.N. Civil law: textbook. manual for universities / under. total ed. A.G. Kalpina. M-total and prof. Education of the Russian Federation, Mosk. state legal Acad. Ed. 2nd, rev. and add. M.: Lawyer, 2002.542 p.
Gontmakher E. The fate of the Russian state depends on whether the new president will be able to renew the Russian political elite [electronic resource]. URL: http://www.liberal.ru/sitan.asp?Num=636 (accessed January 23, 2008).
Orekhov S.I. Hypertext way of organizing virtual reality [electronic resource] // Bulletin of the Omsk State Pedagogical University: electronic scientific journal. 2006 [site]. URL: http://www.omsk.edu/article/vestnik-omgpu-21.pdf (accessed January 10, 2007)
Abramov A.M. Silence of Professionals // Nezavisimaya Gazeta. 2010.27 May.
On amendments to Article 30 of the Law of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug “On Public Service of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug”: Law of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug of May 19, 2006 No. 721-OZ // Meeting of Deputies of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. 2008.24 May.
Russia and the world: humanitarian. problems: interuniversity. Sat scientific tr / St. Petersburg. state un-t water. communications. 2004. Issue. 8.P. 64-81.
Fenukhin I.V. ethno-political conflicts in modern Russia: the example of the North Caucasus region: a dissertation for the degree of candidate of political sciences. M., 2002.178 p.
Deming, W. Edwards (William Edwards). The new economics for industry, government, education / W. Edwards Deming. 1900. 367 p.
On Arbitration Courts in the Russian Federation: Federal Constitutional Law dated April 28, 1995 No. 1-FKZ (as amended on July 12, 2006) // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. 1995. No. 18. Art. 1589.
Shper V.L. Again about quality, definitions and related materials // Methods of quality management. 2002. No. 1. p. 43-47.
About the introduction of bonuses for complexity, tension and high quality of work [electronic resource]: instruction of the Ministry of Social Protection of the Russian Federation of June 14, 1992 No. 1-49-U. The document has not been published. Access from sprav.-legal system "Consultant Plus".
Bibliographic information is indicated in the description in the form in which it is given in the source of information. For regulatory enactments in the list are indicated the initial and latest revisions.
A bibliographic list is provided with a translation into English. As a rule, bibliographic descriptions of publications are in the following sequence: authors (transliteration), source name (transliteration), translation of the name in square brackets.
If the article you are quoting is written in Latin (in English, German, Spanish, Italian, Finnish, Danish and other languages using the Roman alphabet), a link to it should be given in the original language of publication. Example (article in a German magazine in German): Janzen, G., &Hawlik, M. (2005)Orientierungim Raum: Befundezu Entscheidungspunkten. Zeitschriftfür Psychologie.213 (4), 179–186. (In German). If the article is NOT written in Latin - in Cyrillic (including Russian), with hieroglyphs, etc., you need to bring an OFFICIAL TRANSLATION or translate into English yourself (paraphrase) - for the names of the articles. For books, it is necessary in this case to transliterate into Latin and translate the name into English. At the end of the description in parentheses, indicate the language of publication.

Title of the publication. If the article you are quoting has an official translation into English or an English version of the name (it should be searched on the journal’s website, in databases, including in eLibrary), you should indicate it. If the official name of the publication in Latin is not given in official sources, you should translate it into English yourself (paraphrase).

The name of the edition (journal). Some non-English scientific publications (journals) have, besides the name in their native language, the official “parallel” name in English. Thus, for the list of References, in the link to the article from the Russian-language journal should be either indicated the transliterated name of the journal or translated. The translated name of the journal can be taken either from the journal’s official website (or use the data on the correct spelling of the English name from the cited article), or check its presence in the database, for example, in CAS SourceIndex, WorldCat library or WebofScience (ISI) directory, database name directory MedLine (NLM Catalog). In the case when the journal does not have an official name in English, translations must be given in the References according to the BSI system. Do not translate magazine names yourself.

Place of publication. The place of publication in the links should always be indicated in English and in full - not in transliteration and without abbreviations. That is, Moscow, not Moskva and not M.:>, Saint Petersburg, but not Sankt Peterburg and not SPb.

Name of publisher. Unlike the place of publication, the name of the publisher for links in References should only be transliterated (except in extremely rare cases when the publisher has a parallel official English name). For automatic transliteration of Russian-language sources in the Latin alphabet, it is recommended to visit the website http://translit.net/en/bgn/ (the standard for transliteration is BGN; setting before transliteration). Examples:
1. Khametov T.I., Tolstoy Y.O., Bukin S.N. Analysis of the stages of development of hous-ing and communal services in Russia and fea-tures of the legal regulation of capital repairs // Modern problems of science and education. 2014. № 2. P.17-26. [Khametov T.I., Tolstykh Yu.O., Bu-kin S.N. Analiz etapov razvitiya zhilishchno-kommunal'nogo khozyaystva Rossii i osoben-nostey pravovogo regulirovaniya kapital'nogo remonta // Sovremennye problemy nauki i ob-razovaniya. 2014. № 2. P. 17-26.] — (In Rus.)
2. Key performance indicators of the state corporation – the Foundation for Assistance to the Housing and Utilities Reform in 2009 [e-resource] [Klyuchevye pokazateli effektivnosti deyatel'nosti gosudarstvennoy korporatsii – Fonda sodeystviya reformirovaniyu zhilish-chno-kommunal'nogo khozyaystva za 2009 god]. URL: http://fondgkh.ru/workre-sult/cat/klyuchevyie-pokazateli-effektivnosti/ (date of reference 04.11.2018) — (In Rus.)
3. Overhaul of apartment buildings : decisions and actions of homeowners : Methodical manual / under total. ed. I.V. Gentzler. M.: Institute of Urban Economics. 2016. [Kapital'nyy remont mnogokvartir-nykh domov: resheniya i deystviya sobstvennikov zhil'ya : Metodicheskoe posobie / pod obshch. red. I.V. Gentsler. M.: Institut ekonomiki goroda. 2016] — (In Rus.)
4. On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation: Federal Law of 24 July 2007 № 209-FL. Access from ref.-legal system «ConsultantPlus». [O razvitii malogo i srednego predprinimatel'stva v Rossiyskoy Federatsii: Federal'nyy zakon ot 24 iyulya 2007 goda № 209-FL. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoy sistemy «ConsultantPlus».]. – (In Rus.)

9. Review of articles
Articles are checked for excessive borrowing through automated systems and evaluated by members of the editorial board, welcomed by specialists from scientific organizations or other universities for a profile that matches the content of the article. The article is sent for review without indicating a full name and other data to identify the author. The author has the right to familiarize himself with the completed review. Decisions on publications sent to the journal of materials are made by the editorial board. The grounds for refusal to publish materials may include:
a) inconsistency of the subject matter submitted to the editorial board
b) the discrepancy between the material submitted to the editorial office and the requirements established by the editorial board for publication
The author is informed about the rejection of materials that do not meet the requirements established by the editors of the journal.
Responsibility for the accuracy of this information lies on the author of the article. Articles sent to the editors without fulfilling the requirements of these conditions of publication are not accepted. More detailed review procedure can be found in the corresponding section on the journal website.

10. Gratuitousness of publication
There is no fee for publishing an article in a journal from authors, including graduate students.

11. Payment for scientific and methodological editing and layout of a scientific publication
Based on the results of the review, a license agreement and an agreement on the provision of services for scientific and methodological editing and layout of a scientific publication are concluded with the author (team of authors). The cost of these services (regardless of the size of the article and the number of authors) is 4500-00 rubles for 1 article. Payment is made only the contract and invoice from the magazine.

12. Public access of publications
Published articles are provided with free open access on the websites http://avu.usaca.ru/ru, www.elibrary.ru, www.cyberleninka.ru. Each article is assigned a unique doi electronic identification number.

13. Contacts of the editorial staff
Editorial office: 420075, Ekaterinburg, Karl Liebknecht St., 42,
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Detail information is presented in the corresponding section on the journal website.

Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

Address: 620075 Ekaterinburg, ul.Karla Libknekhta, 42,

+7 (343) 221-40-01; 371-33-63 - rectorate

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